Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions


Happy Friday the 13th! Are you feeling superstitious today? In this article, we’ll delve into 13 of the most common superstitions. If we missed any, let us know by emailing and telling us which superstitions make your skin crawl!

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is a superstition that makes people more cautious for a whole day. If this day gives you the creeps, you might have paraskavedekatriaphobia. Don’t worry, we can’t pronounce it either! Around 21 million people in the US are affected by a fear of Friday the 13th, making it the most dreaded date in history.

Black Cats

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

The superstition of black cats traces back to witches and their mysterious feline companions. But before you get scared of a black cat crossing your path, consider this: there are over 81 MILLION black cats kept as pets. They can’t be all that bad, right?


Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

Breaking a mirror is believed to bring seven years of bad luck. This belief stems from the idea that mirrors not only reflect your image but also hold a piece of your soul. So, if you break a mirror, it’s as if your soul has been shattered too. Yikes! It’s better to be safe and handle that compact with care.


No one wants to walk under a ladder and risk causing someone to fall, right? But the superstition of avoiding walking under ladders has nothing to do with physical safety. It comes from a Christian belief of “breaking” the holy trinity. If you disrupt the triangle formed by the ladder, you’re believed to invite bad luck. So, it’s best to go around!

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Knocking On Wood

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

Knocking on wood is believed to summon spirits for protection. You might hear someone do this when they want to prevent something bad from happening.

For example: “I’ve never been in an accident…” knocks on wood.


According to superstition, opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck raining down on you. If you want good luck to follow, remember that umbrellas are designed for outdoor use.

Spilled Salt

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

An old European superstition claims that spilling salt is an evil omen. The belief is that spilling salt brings bad luck, but you can reverse it by throwing a pinch over your left shoulder. Who knew seasonings held such power?

Holding Your Breath While Passing a Cemetery

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

Legend has it that holding your breath while passing by a cemetery prevents you from inhaling the souls of the departed. Nobody wants to accidentally breathe in evil, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.


“Find a penny, pick it up, and all day you’ll have good luck!” Some believe that it’s only good luck to pick up a penny if it’s heads up, but others think that any penny brings good luck. Talk about a superstition sandwich!

Step On a Crack…

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

“…Break your mother’s back.” As kids, we found this saying terrifying! Nobody wants to harm their mom, so avoiding cracks becomes a top priority!

Full Moon

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

There are numerous superstitions associated with a full moon. You might hear people say “the crazies are out” or to “watch out for werewolves.” Some also believe that a full moon can trigger childbirth. While these beliefs float around, scientifically, a full moon simply means the Earth is located directly between the sun and the moon.

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Black Crows

Friday The 13th – Common Superstitions

Black crows may not be the most stunning birds, and the Alfred Hitchcock classic “The Birds” didn’t help their reputation. The superstition surrounding crows depends on the number you see. Spotting a single crow is considered unlucky, but seeing two is believed to bring good luck. If you spot just one, take a look around and see if you can turn your luck around. Three crows signify health, four mean wealth, and five indicate sickness. As for six crows…well, that’s associated with death.

Don’t Split the Pole

When two people walk together, they should avoid splitting up and going around an obstacle like a pole or another person. “Splitting the pole” is believed to bring bad luck. But don’t worry, there’s a remedy! If you accidentally split the pole, simply say “bread and butter” to reverse the curse. Yum!

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